Jan Van den Berghe

Jan and Wim are the founders of Novalis Biotech Incubation. Jan is a serial entrepreneur in the food and biotech industry. Following his education in bioengineering, he worked as a senior consultant for the Boston Consulting Group and as an Independent Strategy Consultant.

Jan co-founded and served as director of Genohm, which was acquired by Agilent Technologies in 2018. Jan also served as Director and Chairman of Oystershell laboratories, a world-class developer of innovative consumer healthcare products. The company was acquired by Gilde Buy-Out Partners in 2017. Jan is co-owner and director of Lipa Holding, a family business in food and recycling, and is an operating partner in Victus participations, an independent agri and food growth investment fund. Jan obtained an MBA from INSEAD and a Master’s in General Management from Vlerick Management School.