After work drinks @ gazon

After work drinks @ gazon

Work hard, play hard!At myNEO we have afterwork drinks every month, this time we decided to enjoy the nice weather and have our well-deserved drinks at summer bar, Gazon.  Some sun, refreshing drinks, and great colleagues made sure this was a fun and...
After work drinks & dinner

After work drinks & dinner

myNEO fully endorses a work hard/play hard balance and so we have at least once a month an afterwork drink or dinner. We think it is important to keep the team spirit alive to enable better interpersonal communication leading to more efficient team working...
Teambuilding activity

Teambuilding activity

This week we had a teambuilding activity with the myNEO team!  We started the night with some serious action and jumped our way through the inflatable park of Jumpsky in Ghent. After that, we enjoyed a super tasty meal in the city centre of Ghent and we finished...
Post Corona team event

Post Corona team event

Due to corona, the myNEO team had to work fully remotely in the last months. As the regulations are finally becoming less strict, we decided to organize a small team event outside. We had some drinks accompanied with appetizers in the afternoon, followed by some...
Celebration day

Celebration day

This week the myNEO team had multiple reasons to celebrate!  Bruno his promotion to CTO 1 year working anniversary of Lore and Lien End of the internship of Claudia 500+ followers on LinkedIn We had a great night over drinks and some...
Game night

Game night

Yesterday myNEO organised its first teambuilding activity after the lockdown. We all worked remotely during the lockdown so it was nice to all be together again as a team. We had some drinks, ate a tasty diner and played some board games to finish off the...