Lore Van Oudenhove

Lore Van Oudenhove

Lore has graduated as a Bioscience Engineer at Ghent University. During her master Cell and Gene Biotechnology her interest and knowledge on cancer immunology and bioinformatics have grown. Therefore, she conducted her thesis at the Center for Medical Genetics...
Steve Lefever PhD

Steve Lefever PhD

Following his Masters in Information Technology and Biotechnology, Steve Lefever successfully completed his PhD in Biomedical Sciences in 2012 at UGent. During his post-doctoral mandate, he expanded his skills and gained expertise in the analysis of RNA- and DNA-based...
Lien Lybaert PhD

Lien Lybaert PhD

Lien studied pharmaceutical sciences where she focused on targeted cancer therapy in her master thesis. After her studies, she did an IWT-funded PhD in the lab of Biopharmaceutical Technology of Prof. Bruno De Geest at Ghent University where she focused on the design...
Bruno Fant PhD

Bruno Fant PhD

After obtaining two Master’s degrees from the Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon (Biosciences and Systems Biology), he successfully pursued a PhD in molecular biology at the University of Nice where his interest in the power of big data analyses started. He then further...
Bert Coessens PhD

Bert Coessens PhD

Bert Coessens has a background in molecular biology and a PhD in advanced statistical analysis of ‘omics’ data. He was one of the founders of Cartagenia, a joint spin-off from the KU Leuven Dept. Electrotechniek (ESAT) and UZ Leuven Center for...
Cedric Bogaert

Cedric Bogaert

Cedric graduated as a Bioscience Engineer at Ghent University, majoring in medical genetics. After his studies, he continued his research on epigenomics by leading a multi-university collaboration on the epigenetic effects of Menohop. A platform for automated...